2020 Cloncurry Stockman's Challenge Postponed

In light of current circumstances surrounding the global Covid-19 pandemic and the rapidly changing restrictions imposed on public gatherings by the State and Federal Government, the Committee of the Cloncurry Stockman’s Challenge & Campdraft, one of Australia’s greatest annual horse events have made the tough decision to postpone the 2020 event.

Previously scheduled for its traditional annual July date, a new September 9th to 13th date has been selected, subject to review and final confirmation on August 1st.

Annually hosting in excess of 300 competitors and loads visitors from across the country at the Equestrian Centre facilities located in the township of Cloncurry, it remains the Committees intention to run a full 5-day program, however “this will be dependent on how the pandemic and restrictions develop over the next few months; with competitors, visitors, sponsors, volunteers and the communities safety paramount” said Cloncurry Stockman’s Challenge & Campdraft Association President Cheyne Williams.

With competition rules and regulations placing restrictions on the age of Challenge competitors horses, the Committee have made the decision to “extend eligibility to any horse that would have been eligible to compete up to and including the 12th of July 2020 to the new forecast September date” said Cheyne.

An iconic event, and an important part of the annual social calendar in Outback Queensland; the Stockman’s Challenge team consider themselves very lucky to be in a position to consider a new date and look forward to seeing the return of the many events that were not so fortunate in 2021.